Comcast Launches Bundle with Peacock, Netflix, and Apple TV+

Comcast just announced on Tuesday that it’s gearing up to mix Peacock, Netflix, and Apple TV+ into one delightful streaming cocktail at a bargain price, exclusively for its cable, broadband, and mobile subscribers. This bundle is like the party pack of the streaming world, and they broke this news during the swanky MoffettNathanson media conference in New York.

The big reveal follows hot on the heels of Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery, who recently teamed up their streaming superpowers on May 8, offering a trio treat of Disney+, Hulu, and Max. It seems like all the major media moguls are joining the bundle bandwagon to sprinkle extra value on users and boost their subscription stats.

Comcast is modeling its latest offering on similar bundles from Verizon, but with a twist—it’s exclusively for the loyal Comcast crowd. This strategy might just be the lifeline Comcast’s pay-TV needs, especially after they watched nearly half a million cable TV customers disappear in the first quarter alone, as revealed in their April 25 earnings report. On the flip side, their wireless business is on a roll, boasting a 21% customer increase to a total of 6.9 million lines.

While Comcast is playing coy about the exact price of this new bundle, here’s the scoop on current rates: Peacock starts at $5.99 per month (but heads up, that’s jumping to $7.99 this summer). Netflix is a bit of a steal starting at $6.99 per month, and Apple TV+ hits the wallet at $9.99 per month.

Comcast CEO Brian Roberts chimed in with some history, saying, “We’ve been bundling video successfully and creatively for 60 years.” He believes this latest bundle will be a game-changer, calling it a “pretty compelling package.” Well, if history is anything to go by, it sounds like Comcast might just have another hit on their hands—or at least a really good mixtape of streaming services!